I have this T-shirt, an old one, from way back in the day and on the front of it in big letters is a quote from Jerry Garcia from the Grateful Dead, “What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been”. I keep this T-shirt in memory of some of the fantastic journeys that I have made over the years. I would wear it when the trip was finished. But now I take it out and look at it and dedicate it to the world and the long strange trip it has been on for the last 3 years. Lock down, travel stopped, Pandemic, political unrest in the world, yes what a long strange trip it’s been. But like all long strange trips they come to an end and this one is no exception. The virus has mutated and the world has learned to live with it and it has learned to live with us. The borders are open and travel is starting up again, travel without the Covid restrictions
When I came back to Amsterdam, in July of 2019, after the Pan American trip, I was planning to get the bike together and go to Africa. Then out of the blue the unthinkable happens. Global lock down. We all have our stories to tell about those lost years. Stories of grief, of sickness, of medical or surgical procedures and lost ones.

Amsterdam, City of Light during lockdown
My story was hanging in my hammock, on the roof of my apartment, gently swinging in the summer breeze waiting for all the fuss to die down. Staying out of all the crazy discussions, complot theories and finger pointing. Just swinging and planning my next trip. Winter was spent reading, listening to music and watching films, Netflix and Amazon.

I also did some work on the bike. Some really necessary maintenance and some changes. I converted the back wheel from being a tube type to tubeless. This took up a lot of time but was worth it. I still carry a spare inner tube though. The suspension was also changed. The original rear shock breaker was reconditioned and fitted with a new Wilber’s spring. The front forks were also reconditioned and fitted with a set of Wilber’s progressive springs.

When travel, tentatively opened, there were a couple of trips to Ireland and Hungary. But the planning became more serious. Looking to see what part of the world was opening up without restrictions. A major part of traveling, for me, is interaction with the locals. A chat here, a hug there, physical contact. That can only happen when there are no masks and people are once again relaxed. On the list were Asia, back to Peru and Argentina and of course good old Africa.

Post covid and ohh boy, travel had changed. The transport costs of shipping or air freighting my bike had gone sky high. The quotes that I got were just unreal. Also, simple airline tickets were expensive. The world has gone crazy. Price crazy.
Then “Giddy up and go” time came a knocking on my door with a message saying that Mother Africa was calling. This Time For Africa. This is a call that cannot be refused.

My real time location is in Cape Town, South Africa, I arrived on 30th of December 2022. My bike has been drastically delayed. There were strike actions among the dock workers and all ships are late entering port or have been rerouted. Still, this is Africa.
Welcome back everyone. Now it’s time to make a nice wee cup of tea and check out my liked name post with photos on my facebook page. It is just a few photo’s from the lockdown years. Next album will be Cape Town. Sit yourself down in your favorite chair with your tea and biscuits, grab your mouse and click your way through the lost years.
To follow my trip on my Findmespot satellite tracker click on the link in the menu above. In the menu appearing on the map you can choose to see my real time location by clicking on “Live” or the last 24 hours, 7 days, 1 month. By default is the map set to show my whole trip in Africa, but by choosing what you would like to see, you can adjust it in the pop up menu. On the left side of the map you can also choose to view the map in satellite form.
Thank you for following, commenting, I appreciate it!